Closed shop agreements are legal in some cases, but not in others. In this article, we will explore what a closed shop agreement is, when it is legal, and when it is not.

What is a closed shop agreement?

A closed shop agreement is a contract between an employer and a union that requires all employees to join the union as a condition of employment. Once the contract is in place, non-union employees are not allowed to work for the employer. This means that the employer can only hire union employees.

When is a closed shop agreement legal?

A closed shop agreement is legal in some industries, such as the construction industry and the film industry. In these industries, the National Labor Relations Act allows for closed shop agreements. This is because these industries have a history of high turnover rates, which can make it difficult for unions to maintain a steady membership. Closed shop agreements help unions to maintain their membership by ensuring that all employees are union members.

In addition, some states have their own laws that allow for closed shop agreements. These states include California, New York, and Hawaii.

When is a closed shop agreement not legal?

In most industries, closed shop agreements are not legal. This is because the National Labor Relations Act prohibits closed shop agreements in most industries. The act states that employers cannot require employees to join a union as a condition of employment. This means that employers cannot enter into a closed shop agreement in most industries.

In addition, some states have laws that prohibit closed shop agreements. These states include Texas, Virginia, and North Carolina.

What happens if an employer violates the law by entering into a closed shop agreement?

If an employer violates the law by entering into a closed shop agreement in an industry where it is not legal, the employer can face legal action. The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) can investigate and take action against the employer. The NLRB can order the employer to stop the closed shop agreement and to offer employment to non-union employees who were discriminated against.

In addition, the non-union employees can file a complaint against the employer. If the complaint is successful, the non-union employees can receive compensation for lost wages and other damages.


Closed shop agreements are legal in some cases, but not in others. In industries where closed shop agreements are allowed, they can help unions maintain their membership. However, in most industries, closed shop agreements are not legal. Employers who enter into closed shop agreements in industries where they are not legal can face legal action and compensation claims from non-union employees.